The Learning Groove

I believe that we are all teachers in our own right. People show up in our lives to teach us something every day. Circumstances in our lives always have a lesson, even if that lesson isn't clear in that moment. But the teacher in me has been a great benefit to others over the years--it's in my blood (Mom was an elementary school teacher; my dad was a chemistry professor). In this arena, my goal is to teach and mentor (sometimes alone and sometimes with partners) those who wish to step out to the next level and get their gifts out there through multiple media. The practical/tactical tools I will share, if implemented, will get you to place where you can leverage your leadership and create a legacy of your gifts. 

But sometimes there is stuck energy that creates inertia during the process. Sometimes, we can explain it. But sometimes there's more going on underneath. That's where the coaching comes in...


If you've ever felt: 
  • Alone in your journey (no one shares my vision)
  • Stage fright!
  • Creatively blocked
  • Overwhelm (Yikes! So much on my plate already and yet I know that to free up time and space, I need the systems in place so I can create my vision with more ease and flow)
  • Communication breakdown with important people in your life while trying this new journey;
  • Comfort zone issues (the bubble feels good and familiar...coming out is scary!) name a few, then co-creating that supportive environment is critical. I have a number of tools in my arsenal that will movin' and groovin' again.