About the Founder

My name is Carol Dickson-Carr, and I've always been a renaissance spirit, with eclectic interests and gifts. I have the "Portfolio Career" personality (if you want that "bio", check out this link and this link. But the bio relevant to this vision is all about the gift that had staying power since (according to my mom) I was nine months old, and that is my passion for music--as a performer, and as a listener and my ability to lead and organize experiences so that people are able to work and play in an empowering environment (okay so the latter gift showed up around age 11. :)).

I can testify that music has great healing properties (physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally), as do a number of other modalities that have been great complements to traditional medicine. If people feel good in all four domains, it's easier to attract what you want; it's easier to create; it's easier to produce...less fights and more fun. 

We all have our moods (some folks more than others--I do "moody" well, in fact), but if we have access to tools that can work us through the bad moods, it's easier to state the mantra "All is well" and actually believe it! So I wanted to provide a medium for creative folks to share their gifts in a way that will ultimately create more peace and harmony on this planet. I'll do my part by coaching those who feel called to co-create and get support  from me and also by sharing my musical gifts through song.

Carol Dickson-Carr's Big Vision

I envision a world healed through:
  • ...continuously talking to each other respectfully--even if we're not on the same page philosophically...
  • ...giving the awareness to those who may be unaware that being your fully self-expressed being (so long as it creates multiple wins) is the best and most effortless way to show up.
  • ...inspirational creative expression (through music, writing, and the spoken word).

And of course, I can't do it alone so if you think my big vision resonates with you, let's have a conversation about how you can be part of the movement. Simply fill out the contact form and share your positivity.

If you're curious about how this idea came about, feel free to read the first post on this site's blog.